Photo Albums
Bless your children on Shabbat
Study Torah
Become confirmed
Have a family Shabbat dinner
Belong to a temple
Visit a nursing home
Preserve your health
Place mezuzot on your doorposts
Pray every day
Light Shabbat candles on Shabbat
Say Shema at bedtime
Become a Temple Board Member
Attend a religious school
Become a temple religious education committee member
Console the bereaved
Make peace where there is strife
Visit the sick
Shelter the homeless
Donate clothing
Feed the hungry
Raise children as Jews
Light the Chanukah candles every night during Chanukah
Have a Pesach Seder
Teach children in religious school
Take Jewish studies courses in college
Observe Pesach/Passover
Hear the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah
Make Aliyah to Israel (move to Israel)
Spend a year of high school or college in Israel
Visit Israel
Have children attend a Jewish day school
Make Kiddush on Shabbat
Become an organ donor
Say 50 blessings every day
Attend overnight Jewish summer camp
Become youth group president
Have a Brit Milah/circumcision
Study Parshat Hashavuah/weekly Torah portion
Do not attend or participate in sporting events on Friday night or Saturday morn
Join the Temple youth group or NFTY
Support Reform Judaism in Israel
Give Tzedakah to support Israel
Celebrate with bride and groom
Participate in Mitzvah Day
Be a machrich/ madricha in the BEC
Learn Hebrew songs
Visit grandparents
Become a bar/bat mitzvah
Say Birkat Hamazon after you eat
Say Motzi before you eat
Do not drive on Shabbat
Bake challah for Shabbat
Sleep in the Sukkah
Participate in a Mitzvah project
Build a Sukkah
Fast on Yom Kippur
Learn to read Hebrew
Have a Hebrew name
Support those in need